菲律宾生活缴费 发表于 2022-6-1 18:08:33

2022年TM无限通话套餐, 无限短信套餐,无限流量套餐

以下是 Touch Mobile 网络在 2022 年向菲律宾所有用户提供的 Unli Call 和 Unli Text plus 互联网(数据)促销列表。

如今,对于一个仍然不拥有甚至不知道什么是手机或智能手机的人来说,这似乎是不寻常的。这些设备的使用已经从单纯的电话和短信小工具发展成为企业以及在线学习学生的重要工具。在新常态下,Touch Mobile 继续为其订户提供服务,为他们提供大量负担得起的促销活动,让他们与家人和朋友保持联系,并让他们继续进行现在主要发生在网上的业务交易。许多人认为 TM 在成本方面是 Globe Telecom 的更便宜版本,但质量在这些网络中得以保留。
ALLIN20 or All In SURF 20
[*]Features: Unlimited calls to Globe and Touch Mobile and unlimited texts to all networks including Smart, Talk ‘N Text and Sun; 100 Megabytes allocated for Facebook and 200 Megabytes of mobile internet data
[*]Price: ₱20
[*]Validity: 2 Days
[*]How to register: send SMS using keyword A20 to 8080
All In SURF 20 Promo Variants
[*]A20FB or AS20FB to 8080: 100MB data for Facebook plus 200MB of mobile internet data
[*]A20ML or AS20ML to 8080: 100MB data for Mobile Legends plus 200MB mobile internet data
[*]A20YT or AS20YT to 8080: 100MB data for YouTube plus 200MB mobile internet data
[*]A20WP or AS20WP to 8080: 100MB data for Wattpad plus 200MB mobile internet data

FunSagad Facebook + Instagram
[*]Features: 400 Megabytes of mobile internet data to access Facebook and Instagram
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: No expiry date
[*]How to register: send SMS using the keyword FS FBIG to 8080

FunSagad YouTube + Mobile Legends
[*]Features: 400 Megabytes of mobile internet data to access Youtube and Mobile Legends
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: No expiry date
[*]How to register: send SMS using the keyword FS YTML to 8080

FunSagad TikTok + WeSing
[*]Features: 400 Megabytes of mobile internet data to access TikTok and WeSing
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: No expiry date
[*]How to register: send SMS using the keyword FS TikWS to 8080

FunSagad iWant + Call of Duty
[*]Features: 400 Megabytes of mobile internet data to access iWant and Call of Duty
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: No expiry date
[*]How to register: send SMS using the keyword FS iWCOD to 8080

Facebook 10
[*]Features: 1 Gigabyte of mobile internet data to access Facebook.
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: 3 Days
[*]How to register: send SMS using the keyword FB10 to 8080

YouTube 10
[*]Features: 1 Gigabyte of mobile internet data to access Youtube.
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: 3 Days
[*]How to register: send SMS using the keyword YT10 to 8080

Viu 10
[*]Features: 1 Gigabyte of mobile internet data to access Viu.
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: 3 Days
[*]How to register: send SMS using the keyword Viu10 to 8080

TikTok 10
[*]Features: 1 Gigabyte of mobile internet data to access TikTok.
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: 3 Days
[*]How to register: send SMS using the keyword TikTok10 to 8080

Mobile Legends 10
[*]Features: 1 Gigabyte of mobile internet data to access Mobile Legends.
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: 3 Days
[*]How to register: send SMS using the keyword ML10 to 8080

Wild Rift 10
[*]Features: 1 Gigabyte of mobile internet data to access Wild Rift.
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: 3 Days
[*]How to register: send SMS using the keyword WR10 to 8080

Call of Duty Mobile 10
[*]Features: 1 Gigabyte of mobile internet data to access Call of Duty.
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: 3 Days
[*]How to register: send SMS using the keyword COD10 to 8080

TM Facebook 10
[*]Features: 1 Gigabyte mobile internet data to access Facebook.
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: 3 Days
[*]How to register: dial *143# then choose FB/ML10 then select Facebook 10 and finally hit Register

TM Mobile Legends 10
[*]Features: 1 Gigabyte mobile internet data to access Mobile Legends.
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: 3 Days
[*]How to register: dial *143# then choose FB/ML10 then select Mobile Legends 10 and finally hit Register

[*]Features: 1 Gigabyte of mobile internet data plus 300 Megabytes of data allocated for apps of your choice; Unlimited texts to all networks.
[*]Price: ₱90
[*]Validity: 7 Days
[*]How to register: use the Globe Switch app then look for the “Offers Tab” and select TMSURF70

EZ50 Doble Freebie
[*]Features: 1 Gigabyte of mobile internet data; 6 Gigabytes (2 GB per day) FunPinoy pack (and the choices are FunALIW, FunKWENTUHAN, FunRAKET, FunARAL, FunKDRAMA, or FunLARO) or you may also choose Watch and Play pack (the options are YouTube, NetFlix, Mobile Legends, Wild Rift, Arena of Valor, and many mor); 1 Gigabyte GoWifi access; unlimited texts to all networks which includes Smart, TNT and Sun
[*]Price: ₱50
[*]Validity: 3 Days
[*]How to register: use GCash app and select the “Buy Load” feature. Look for the promotion where you’ll find it in the “ONLY ON GCASH” tab.

EZ90 Doble Freebie
[*]Features: 2 Gigabyte of mobile internet data; 14 Gigabytes (2 GB per day) FunPinoy pack (and the choices are FunALIW, FunKWENTUHAN, FunRAKET, FunARAL, FunKDRAMA, or FunLARO); 1 Gigabyte GoWifi access; unlimited texts to all networks which includes Smart, TNT and Sun
[*]Price: ₱90
[*]Validity: 7 Days
[*]How to register: use GCash app and select the “Buy Load” feature. Look for the promotion where you’ll find it in the “ONLY ON GCASH” tab.

[*]Features: 1 Gigabyte of mobile internet data (300 Megabytes allocated for open access while 700 Megabytes are for apps like Facebook, Youtube, Mobile Legends, TikTok, WeSing, and iWantTV) plus unlimited text to all networks including Smart, TNT, and Sun along with unli calls to Globe and Touch Mobile.
[*]Price: ₱30
[*]Validity: 3 Days
[*]How to register: send SMS using the keyword ALLIN30 and send it to 8080

[*]Features: Unlimited calls to Globe and Touch Mobile plus 100 texts to all networks.
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: 2 Days
[*]How to register: send SMS using the keyword CU10 to 8080

TM All-In 40
[*]Features: 400 Megabytes of mobile internet data including 200 Megabytes to access Facebook; Unlimited texts to all networks which includes Smart, TNT and Sun along with unlimited calls to Globe and Touch Mobile
[*]Price: ₱40
[*]Validity: 4 Days
[*]How to register: Use GCash app and select “Buy Load” option. Look for ALLIN40 from the list of selection where is says “ONLY ON GCASH”

[*]Features: 25 worth of Texts to Touch Mobile and Globe networks
[*]Price: ₱5
[*]Validity: 1 Day
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword SULITXT5 to 8080

[*]Features: Unlimited texts to Touch Mobile and Globe networks
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: 2 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword T10 to 8080

[*]Features: Unlimited texts to TM, Globe, Talk ‘N Text, Smart and Sun
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: 1 day
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword UA10 to 8080

[*]Features: unlimited Texts to Touch Mobile and Globe
[*]Price: ₱30
[*]Validity: 5 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword ASTIGTXT30 to 8080

[*]Features: unlimited calls to Touch Mobile and Globe
[*]Price: ₱15
[*]Validity: 1 day
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword U15 to 8080

TXT5 (add-on)
[*]Features: this is just an add-on to UNLITAWAG15 promo which will add (1) one more day of validity.
[*]Price: ₱5
[*]Validity: 1 day
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword T5 to 8080

DAGDAGTXT (add-on)
[*]Features: this is just an add-on to UNLITAWAG15 promo that will give an added 100 Texts for TM, Globe, Smart, TNT and Sun.
[*]Price: ₱5
[*]Validity: 1 day
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword DAGDAGTXT to 8080

EXTEND5 (add-on)
[*]Features: this is just an add-on to extend all unlimited call and text promos to (1) one more day up to 365 days.
[*]Price: ₱5
[*]Validity: 1 day
[*]How to register: user needs to have an active call and text promo.

[*]Features: unlimited calls and texts to Touch Mobile and Globe; +50 texts to TM, Globe, TNT, Smart and Sun networks.
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: 1 day
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword CA10 to 8080

[*]Features: Features: unlimited calls and texts to Touch Mobile and Globe; +50 texts to TM, Globe, TNT, Smart and Sun networks.
[*]Price: ₱20
[*]Validity: 3 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword CA20 to 8080

[*]Features: Unlimited texts to all networks including Smart, Talk ‘N Text and Sun plus 60 minutes of calls to Globe and Touch Mobile
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: 1 Day
[*]How to register: send SMS using the keyword C10 or COMBO10 to 8080

[*]Features: unlimited texts to TM, Globe, Smart, TNT and Sun networks; +120 minutes of Calls to Touch Mobile and Globe
[*]Price: ₱15
[*]Validity: 2 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword C15 to 8080

[*]Features: unlimited texts to TM, Globe, Smart, TNT and Sun networks; +120 minutes of Calls to Touch Mobile and Globe
[*]Price: ₱20
[*]Validity: 3 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword C20 to 8080

[*]Features: 1GB of data for Mobile Legends app
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: 3 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword ML10 to 8080

[*]Features: 1GB of data for Facebook app
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: 3 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword FB10 to 8080

[*]Features: 200MB of data for Facebook app
[*]Price: ₱15
[*]Validity: 2 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword FB15 to 8080

[*]Features: 300MB of data for Facebook app; unlimited texts to TM, Globe, Smart, TNT and Sun networks.
[*]Price: ₱30
[*]Validity: 3 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword FB30 to 8080

[*]Features: 500MB of data for Facebook app; unlimited texts to TM, Globe, Smart, TNT and Sun networks.
[*]Price: ₱50
[*]Validity: 5 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword FB50 to 8080

[*]Features: 600MB of data for Facebook app
[*]Price: ₱50
[*]Validity: 7 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword FACEBOOK50 to 8080

[*]Features: 1GB of data for Facebook app
[*]Price: ₱199
[*]Validity: 30 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword FB199 to 8080

[*]Features: 40MB of data
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: 1 day
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword EASYSURF10 to 8080

[*]Features: 100MB of data; 30MB of data for Instagram app
[*]Price: ₱15
[*]Validity: 2 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword EASYSURF15 to 8080

[*]Features: 300MB of data; 50MB of data for Snapchat, Facebook or Snapchat app
[*]Price: ₱30
[*]Validity: 2 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword EASYSURF30 to 8080

[*]Features: 2GB of data; 1GB of data for either (Facebook, Mobile Legends, Tiktok, Instagram, Youtube and others) everyday; Unlimited texts to Touch Mobile, Globe, Smart, TNT and Sun networks
[*]Price: ₱50
[*]Validity: 3 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword EASYSURF50 to 8080

[*]Features: 1GB of data; 1GB of data for either (Facebook, Mobile Legends, Tiktok, Instagram, Youtube and others) everyday (up to 7 days or 7GB of data total); Unlimited texts to Touch Mobile, Globe, Smart, TNT and Sun networks
[*]Price: ₱70
[*]Validity: 7 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword EASYSURF70 to 8080

[*]Features: 2 Gigabytes of mobile internet data plus 2GB per day allocation to access choice of app bundle; unlimited calls and texts to all networks
[*]Price: ₱75
[*]Validity: 3 Days
[*]How to register: send SMS using the keyword EASYSURF75 or EZ75 to 8080

[*]Features: 2GB of data; 1GB of data for either (Facebook, Mobile Legends, Tiktok, Instagram, Youtube and others) everyday (up to 7 days or 7GB of data total); Unlimited texts to Touch Mobile, Globe, Smart, TNT and Sun networks
[*]Price: ₱90
[*]Validity: 7 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword EASYSURF90 to 8080

[*]Features: 2 Gigabytes of mobile internet data or 2GB per day allocation to access choice of app bundle; unlimited texts to all networks
[*]Price: ₱99
[*]Validity: 7 Days
[*]How to register: send SMS using the keyword EASYSURF99 or EZ99 to 8080

[*]Features: 2 Gigabytes of mobile internet data or 2GB per day allocation to access choice of app bundle; unlimited calls and texts to all networks
[*]Price: ₱99
[*]Validity: 7 Days
[*]How to register: send SMS using the keyword EASYSURF99 or EZ99 to 8080

[*]Features: 2GB of mobile data; 10GB of data for either (Facebook, Mobile Legends, Tiktok, Instagram, Youtube and others)
[*]Price: ₱299
[*]Validity: 30 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword EASYSURF299 to 8080

[*]Features: 5GB of mobile data; 10GB of data for either (Facebook, Mobile Legends, Tiktok, Instagram, Youtube and others)
[*]Price: ₱599
[*]Validity: 30 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword EASYSURF599 to 8080

[*]Features: 10GB of mobile data; 10GB of data for either (Facebook, Mobile Legends, Tiktok, Instagram, Youtube and others)
[*]Price: ₱999
[*]Validity: 30 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword EASYSURF999 to 8080

[*]Features: 15GB of mobile data; 10GB of data for either (Facebook, Mobile Legends, Tiktok, Instagram, Youtube and others)
[*]Price: ₱1299
[*]Validity: 30 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword EASYSURF1299 to 8080

[*]Features: 30GB of mobile data; 10GB of data for either (Facebook, Mobile Legends, Tiktok, Instagram, Youtube and others)
[*]Price: ₱1999
[*]Validity: 30 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword EASYSURF1999 to 8080

[*]Features: 50GB of mobile data; 10GB of data for either (Facebook, Mobile Legends, Tiktok, Instagram, Youtube and others)
[*]Price: ₱2499
[*]Validity: 30 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword EASYSURF2499 to 8080

Good Game 30
[*]Features: 300MB of data for gaming apps (Mobile Legends, Pokemon Go, Free Fire, Revolution, Arena of Valor, Rules of Survival, Clash of Clans, Vainglory, Future Fight, Clash Royale, Legacy of Discord – Furious Wings, etc.); unlimited texts to Touch Mobile, Globe, Smart, TNT and Sun
[*]Price: ₱30
[*]Validity: 3 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword GG30 to 8080

Good Game 50
[*]Features: 500MB of data for gaming apps (Mobile Legends, Pokemon Go, Free Fire, Revolution, Arena of Valor, Rules of Survival, Clash of Clans, Vainglory, Future Fight, Clash Royale, Legacy of Discord – Furious Wings, etc.); unlimited texts to Touch Mobile, Globe, Smart, TNT and Sun
[*]Price: ₱50
[*]Validity: 5 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword GG50 to 8080

[*]Features: 100MB of data for gaming apps (Mobile Legends, Pokemon Go, Free Fire, Revolution, Arena of Valor, Rules of Survival, Clash of Clans, Vainglory, Future Fight, Clash Royale, Legacy of Discord – Furious Wings, etc.)
[*]Price: ₱15
[*]Validity: 1 day
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword GAMES15 to 8080

[*]Features: 100MB of data for gaming apps (Mobile Legends, Pokemon Go, Free Fire, Revolution, Arena of Valor, Rules of Survival, Clash of Clans, Vainglory, Future Fight, Clash Royale, Legacy of Discord – Furious Wings, etc.)
[*]Price: ₱20
[*]Validity: 2 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword GAMES20 to 8080

[*]Features: 300MB of data for gaming apps (Mobile Legends, Pokemon Go, Free Fire, Revolution, Arena of Valor, Rules of Survival, Clash of Clans, Vainglory, Future Fight, Clash Royale, Legacy of Discord – Furious Wings, etc.)
[*]Price: ₱50
[*]Validity: 7 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword GAMES50 to 8080

[*]Features: 300MB of data for gaming apps (Mobile Legends, Pokemon Go, Free Fire, Revolution, Arena of Valor, Rules of Survival, Clash of Clans, Vainglory, Future Fight, Clash Royale, Legacy of Discord – Furious Wings, etc.)
[*]Price: ₱99
[*]Validity: 30 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword GAMES99 to 8080

[*]Features: 400MB of data for Facebook and Instagram
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: n/a
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword FS FBIG to 8080

[*]Features: 400MB of data for Youtube and Mobile Legends (ML)
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: n/a
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword FS YTML to 8080

[*]Features: 400MB of data for Tiktok and WeSing
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: n/a
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword FS TikWS to 8080

[*]Features: 400MB of data for iWant and Call of Duty (CoD)
[*]Price: ₱10
[*]Validity: n/a
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword FS iWCOD to 8080

A20TY or AS20Y
[*]Features: Unlimited calls to Touch Mobile; Unlimited texts to TM, Globe, Smart, TNT and Sun networks; 200MB of data; 100MB data for Youtube app
[*]Price: ₱20
[*]Validity: 2 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword A20FB or AS20FB to 8080

A20ML or AS20ML
[*]Features: Unlimited calls to Touch Mobile; Unlimited texts to TM, Globe, Smart, TNT and Sun networks; 200MB of data; 100MB data for Mobile Legends (ML) app
[*]Price: ₱20
[*]Validity: 2 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword A20ML or AS20ML to 8080

A20WP or AS20WP
[*]Features: Unlimited calls to Touch Mobile; Unlimited texts to TM, Globe, Smart, TNT and Sun networks; 200MB of data; 100MB data for Wattpad app
[*]Price: ₱20
[*]Validity: 2 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword A20WP or AS20WP to 8080

[*]Features: unlimited data for internet access
[*]Price: ₱50
[*]Validity: 1 day
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword SUPERSURF50 to 8080

[*]Features: unlimited data for internet access
[*]Price: ₱200
[*]Validity: 5 das
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword SUPERSURF200 to 8080

All-In Surf 30
[*]Features: 300MB of data; 700MB of data for iWant, Youtube, Facebook, TikTok and Mobile Legends
[*]Price: ₱30
[*]Validity: 3 days
[*]How to register: send SMS and use keyword AS30 to 8080

一箫凝月黄 发表于 2022-6-1 18:08:35


肥牛于田揖 发表于 2022-6-1 18:47:42


韶景于璃 发表于 2022-6-1 19:14:45


123457044 发表于 2022-6-1 20:11:47

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 2022年TM无限通话套餐, 无限短信套餐,无限流量套餐